Low Carbon Timber for architects

Shaping the future of construction together

With their buildings and objects, planners play a major role in deciding whether climate- and environmentally-friendly and resource-efficient supply chains are implemented or not. To achieve this, they must also pay much more attention to the gray energy of the supply chains of the building materials and products used.

In order to be able to control this and not have to rely on self-statements by suppliers, labels such as Low Carbon Timber (LCT) are needed.
HVH / LCT tracks the upstream material flow to the construction site, making it more accurate than any other environmental assessment tool available to planners to date.

  • The environmental label HOLZ VON HIER (HVH) resp. LOW CARBON TIMBER (LCT) recognizes outstanding climate/environmentally friendly products. It is tenderable, externally monitored and product-related and already also recognized as proof of sustainable responsible raw material extraction.
  • The environmental footprint of HVH / LCT is compliant with PEF principles of the European Union and provides life cycle assessment data for the environmental documentation of your buildings.
  • The umbrella brand HOLZ VON HIER (HVH) resp. LOW CARBON TIMBER (LCT) and the information materials available make it easier for you to promote and publicize your products to customers.
  • The ECO Planner training courses, which Holz von Hier conducts together with planner organizations on site, as in-house training or as webinars, offer you unique selling points through sustainability expertise.

Nutzen für Planer & Architekten

Holz von Hier provides comprehensive support to planners who tender and build with HVH/LCT in all planning phases.

  • Support with Pre-planningand communication to and the building owner through the information and tools provided in the training materials such as CO2 comparisons, info sheets, checklists, product group fact sheets, etc.
  • Support in the Planning phasethrough assistance with the market investigation. One of the advantages of HVH/LCT for planners here is that companies can also register and be certified at short notice, for example as part of a tender process.
  • Support for the Tenderby controlling and monitoring the environmental impact of materials and buildings through the HVH/LCT eco-label and certificate. HVH/LCT generally has a supporting effect in the tendering process, because the Type I environmental label in accordance with ISO 14024 can be put out to tender and can be integrated as a requirement in the specifications or as an award item. For this purpose, HVH/LCT provides legal opinions, sample texts and practical examples of tenders in the Helpdesk for planners. Bidders must include either a Certificate of Participation or a Declaration of Readiness with their bids.
  • HVH/LCT facilitates Construction monitoringthe examination of the tendered criteria considerably. After the contract has been awarded and when the service is provided by the bidders, they must submit a product-specific certificate for the wood products used in accordance with the specifications. The planner/client/builder can check this certificate for authenticity directly online.
  • Support in the Documentation and promotion of the objects and buildings through appropriate environmental information, environmental documentation through the HVH/LCT Environmental Footprint and the HVH/LCT Building Database for certified properties. HVH/LCT is also an optimal communication tool. The information materials provided to planners at ECO Planner training sessions can be used to communicate to building owners.

ECO Planner Trainings

Holz von Hier hat, in Abstimmung und Zusammenarbeit mit Architektenvereinigungen, ein Schulungsprogramm zum Themenkomplex „Nachhaltiges und Klimafreundliches Planen und Bauen“ entwickelt, die „ECO-Planer-Schulungen“.

Diese modularen Schulungen vermitteln Planern und Architekten grundlegende Informationen und Basis-Wissen zu fragen der Lebenszyklusbetrachtung, Nachhaltigekeitsaspekten, Umweltbewertung von Produkten und Materialien, Ausschreibung von Umweltaspekten und anderes.

Einige Elemente der zugehörigen „ECO-Planer Schulungsunterlagen“ sind z.B: CO2-Vergleiche, Produktgruppensteckbriefe, Umweltbewertungsmatrix, die Holz von Hier-Gebäudedatenbank oder der ECO-Planer-Helpdesk mit Informationen, Materialien und Vorlagen für die Integration des Umweltzeichens in Ausschreibungen für Bauvorhaben.

Haben Sie Interesse?

Hier gelangen Sie zu den ECO-Planer Schulungen.

Helpdesk – Low Carbon Timber in the tender

Planners and architects, whether intentionally or not and whether consciously or not, have a decisive influence on the flow of goods and the supply chains of products. The decisive lever here is the design of the tender.

If particularly climate-friendly products are to be used that have a positive influence on the climate and environmental balance of buildings, it is imperative that this is already anchored in the invitation to tender.

The eco-label Low Carbon Timber is particularly suitable for this purpose. You can find out which basic principles contribute to this and how the ecolabel can be integrated into concrete tenders in the helpdesk for planners. This contains expert opinions on public procurement law, procedural instructions, sample texts and practical examples.

Architects network

Für Bauherren ist es oft nicht einfach, im Holzbau erfahrene Planer zu finden. Holz von Hier baut daher kontinuierlich ein entsprechendes Planernetzwerk auf.

Hier finden öffentliche, gewerbliche oder privaten Bauherren ihren „Holzbau affinen und erfahren Planer“ der bei Planungen – nach Möglichkeit – Holz von Hier einsetzt.

Lassen Sie sich – kostenfrei – in das Planernetzwerk aufnehmen, z.B. nach Teilnahme an einer ECO-Planer Schulung.